Give more protection to maid employers Published on Jan 23, 2013

WHILE various regulations have been imposed on employers to protect maids, the same has not been done to help and protect the bosses ("MOM tightens rules on maid changes"; Jan 4).

The quality of maids in Singapore has deteriorated over the years.

Maids and agents provide inaccurate information in their biodata to make the maids seem more attractive to employers. Also, training by agencies is not regulated and standards are inconsistent.

Maids often do not have the skills they claim to have, and are not mentally prepared for the job.

And employers do not have an independent way of verifying the information received from maid agencies, especially when it relates to foreign embassies' requirements.

Employers are often left with little choice but to either stick with the maid, even if she is not up to standard, or go through the hassle of finding a replacement.

With more maids coming from rural and undeveloped parts of their countries, the Manpower Ministry and maid agencies have to play a bigger part to ensure the quality of maids.

Maid levies, which leave employers with less room to pay higher salaries, should be abolished. Training needs to be regulated and a proper grading system put in place.

A centralised website and database should also be set up so employers can check on the regulations implemented by foreign embassies, as well as verify the maids' biodata. Information on transfer maids should also be recorded.

Employers should be given avenues for recourse when maids misrepresent themselves, including the right to seek a full refund for amounts paid when no replacement maid is suitable.

Lim Wan Keng (Ms)

We stand out from other maid agency!

We put our hearts into serving our clients. By understanding our patrons' requirements, we choose and stringently select the most suitable. Upon the domestic helper's arrival in Singapore, we screen their capabilities in terms of chores and language skills. Pinpointing the maid weakness, we will reinforce what they lack in. We do re-training if needed when employers highlight issues. Based on the necessary issues, we will commence our correction training. As each household is essentially different, hence we will customise our training to fit your needs. Your problems are our problems. We will see to it that we are able to serve you, with the best possible answer we come up with. We comprehend that you ought to get the well deserved break. Leave it to FCMaid. We are here for you! Come to us for a consultation, we will be all ears.

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"Successful Maids With Sincere Hearts"      

" Well-Trained by Well Trainers"

 Licence No. 13C6312

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Frondosa City Employment Agency

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Marine Terrace Haven
Singapore 440056
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Useful links

Transient Workers

Ministry of Manpower

Myanmar Embassy, SG


Online Employer Orientation Program

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